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Articles, webinars, templates...

Discover essential video editing terms and L&D definitions that can enhance your creativity process.


AI tools refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence technologies to perform various tasks, such as data analysis, natural language processing, and predictive modeling. These tools are designed to help businesses automate and optimize their operations, improve decision-making processes, and enhance customer experiences. With the ability to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI tools have become an essential part of modern business strategies.

AI avatar

An AI avatar, also referred to as an artificial intelligence avatar or digital avatar, is a digital representation of an artificial intelligence system. This digital representation can take many forms such as an image, a humanoid figure, a cartoon character, or even a realistic human face. The aim of an AI avatar is to provide a more human-like or relatable interface for interactions between humans and AI.

AI presenter

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Presenters are virtual entities, often powered by machine learning and natural language processing technologies, that deliver presentations, news, updates, or educational content in a human-like manner. These presenters can be either purely voice-based, like smart speakers, or visually represented as digital avatars, with the ability to mimic human gestures and facial expressions. Their functionality is often programmable, enabling them to adapt to different contexts and audiences. AI Presenters are increasingly used in diverse sectors such as broadcasting, online learning, and corporate presentations, offering the benefits of scalability, consistency, and the ability to work around the clock.


A brand video is a promotional video that showcases a company's brand, values, and products or services. It's designed to create an emotional connection with the audience and communicate the brand's unique selling proposition (USP). A well-crafted brand video can help increase brand awareness, build trust, and attract new customers. It should be visually engaging, tell a compelling story, and align with the brand's overall marketing strategy.


Company onboarding videos

The term "company onboarding videos" refers to a set of videos that are created to help new employees get acquainted with the company culture, policies, and procedures. These videos are designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the company and its operations, and can cover topics such as employee benefits, company history, and team-building activities. These videos ai to ensure that new employees feel welcome and prepared to contribute to the company from day one.

Custom AI avatar

A custom AI avatar refers to an AI-powered digital entity that's personalized or customized according to a user's specific preferences, requirements, or branding. The customization can be in terms of appearance, voice, personality traits, or behavior.

For instance, a user might choose to customize their AI avatar's visual design, making it appear as a particular character, an animal, an abstract design, or even a digital representation of themselves. On the other hand, businesses might choose to customize their AI avatar to match their brand identity, using company representative person, logos, and mascots.


Deep fake

Deep fake refers to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to create highly realistic videos or images that are designed to deceive viewers into believing that they're real. This technology has the potential to be used for a wide range of applications including entertainment, advertising, and political propaganda.

Deep learning

Deep learning refers to a cutting-edge form of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn and improve from experience, much like humans do. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and detect patterns, deep learning is revolutionizing industries ranging from healthcare to finance to retail. By leveraging deep learning technology, businesses can gain valuable insights and make smarter decisions, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.


Explainer video

An explainer video is a short, engaging and informative video that typically explains a product, service or concept in a simple and easy-to-understand way. They're designed to capture the viewer's attention and provide them with an overview of what the product or service is all about. Explainer videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including marketing, training, and customer support. They can be animated or live-action and are often accompanied by graphics, music, and voiceovers. An explainer video can be a great marketing tool to educate and persuade viewers to take action - whether it's to make a purchase, upgrade a service or subscribe to your platform.



A favicon is a small icon that appears in the browser tab next to the website title. It's an important branding element that helps users identify and remember your website. It's important to choose a favicon that is simple, memorable, and represents your brand well.


Generative AI

Generative AI is a cutting-edge technology that enables machines to create original and innovative content, such as artwork, music, and even text. By using advanced algorithms and deep learning models, generative AI can analyze vast amounts of data and generate new content that is both unique and high-quality. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from art and design to marketing and advertising by providing new and exciting ways to engage with audiences and create compelling content.


How to videos

How-to videos are a type of tutorial content that provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform a specific task or achieve a particular goal. These videos can be used to educate and engage audiences, build brand awareness, and establish authority within a particular industry or niche. By creating high-quality how-to videos, businesses can demonstrate their expertise and provide value to their target audience, which can ultimately lead to increased trust, loyalty, and sales.


Informative videos

Informative videos are a type of marketing content that aims to educate and inform viewers on a particular topic, product, or service. These videos are typically created with the intention of building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, and generating leads or sales. Informative videos can take many forms, including explainer videos, how-to tutorials, product demos, and thought leadership pieces. They are often distributed through social media, email marketing campaigns, and other digital channels. The goal of informative videos is to provide value to viewers while also promoting the brand or product in a subtle and engaging way.


Job aids

Tools and resources known as job aids are essential in optimising task performance and efficiency. These aids come in various forms, including checklists, flowcharts, templates, and guides. Although commonly used in training programs for enhancing learning and retention, job aids can also be implemented in daily operations to improve productivity and performance. As a marketing professional, it is crucial to explore how job aids can benefit sales teams, customer service representatives, and other employees who engage with customers. By providing job aids that facilitate prompt resolution of issues and address frequently asked questions, customer satisfaction and loyalty can be significantly improved.


Knowledge base videos

A "knowledge base" refers to a centralized repository of information that provides customers with self-service access to answers for frequently asked questions and common issues. By creating a comprehensive knowledge base of videos, businesses can reduce the volume of support requests and improve customer satisfaction by empowering users to find answers quickly and easily. Videos can effectively enhance a knowledge base by providing visual demonstrations and step-by-step instructions for complex processes.


Leadership training video

Leadership training videos are a valuable tool for organisations to develop and enhance the skills of their leaders. These videos can cover a variety of topics, including communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and team building. They can be used for individual self-paced learning or as part of a group training program. The success of the training video relies on the quality of the content, delivery, and audience engagement.


Machine learning

Machine learning is a cutting-edge technology that allows computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. It can help companies automate processes, improve customer experiences, and gain insights from large amounts of data. With machine learning, businesses can stay ahead of the competition by making smarter, data-driven decisions.


Non-synthetic Media

Non-synthetic media refers to traditional forms of advertising and communication that don't rely on digital technology. This can include print ads, billboards, radio and television commercials, and direct mail campaigns. Non-synthetic media can be effective in reaching older or less tech-savvy audiences, and can also provide a more tangible and memorable experience for consumers.


Onboarding videos

Onboarding videos are short, informative videos designed to introduce new users or employees to a product, service, or company. These videos can cover a range of topics, from how to use a software platform to the company culture and values. The goal is to help new users feel comfortable and confident using the product or service, and to provide them with the information they need to get started quickly and efficiently. Onboarding videos can be a powerful tool for building engagement and loyalty among new users, and can help reduce the time and resources required for training and support.


Product video

A product video is an essential marketing tool that showcases a product's features, benefits, and use cases visually compellingly. It includes footage of the product in action, coupled with narration or on-screen text to highlight the key selling points. Companies can utilize product videos on their websites, social media channels, and advertising campaigns to educate potential customers and boost sales. Therefore, it is crucial to create a high-quality product video that captures the product's essence and communicates its value proposition effectively.

Performance gap analysis

Conducting a performance gap analysis is vital for companies seeking to maintain their competitive edge and achieve growth in their respective industries. This involves a thorough evaluation of current performance metrics to identify areas of underperformance in comparison to industry standards and desired goals. By developing targeted strategies to address these weaknesses, companies can enhance their overall performance and maintain their position in the market.


Quality assurance

The process of ensuring that a product or service meets or exceeds customer expectations and requirements is known as quality assurance. It is crucial for marketers to highlight the significance of quality assurance in establishing brand reputation and customer loyalty. By consistently providing high-quality products or services, businesses can distinguish themselves from rivals and establish a robust reputation for dependability and superiority. This can result in improved customer satisfaction, positive referrals, and enhanced sales and revenue.


Remote learning

Utilising technology to enable education beyond the confines of conventional classroom settings is known as remote learning. This approach allows students to access educational resources and engage with teachers and peers from any location with an internet connection. Remote learning's flexibility and accessibility make it an ideal preference for individuals with scheduling conflicts, geographic barriers, or personal preferences. With the proliferation of online courses and virtual learning tools, remote learning has become a favoured option for students of all ages and backgrounds.


Synthetic actor

A synthetic actor, or synthetic avatar, is a realistic digital avatar that can be used in various marketing campaigns. These avatars are made with cutting-edge technology that allows them to be customised to fit specific demographics and engage with audiences in a variety of ways, such as through social media, virtual events, or interactive advertisements. By using synthetic actors, brands can create a more personalised and engaging experience for their customers, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and sales.

Sales video

A sales video is a marketing tool that uses visuals and audio with the aim to persuade potential customers to purchase a product or service. It typically showcases the features and benefits of the product or service in an engaging and compelling way, using storytelling, demonstrations, customer testimonials, and other persuasive techniques. Sales videos can be used on websites, social media platforms, email campaigns, and other digital marketing channels to increase conversions and drive sales.


Text to video

Text to video refers to the process of converting written text into a video format. This can be a powerful marketing tool, allowing businesses to engage with their audience more visually and dynamically. By transforming static text into a dynamic video, businesses can communicate their message more effectively and capture the attention of their target audience. Text-to-video can be used for a variety of purposes, including product demos, explainer videos, and promotional content.

Text to speech

Text-to-speech technology is an innovative tool that allows you to convert written text into spoken words. With its advanced features, you can now listen to any written content, such as emails, articles, and even books. This technology is designed to cater to individuals who prefer listening rather than reading, making it an excellent tool for people with visual impairments, dyslexia, or anyone who wants to multitask while consuming information. With text-to-speech, you can access information on the go and stay productive without sacrificing comfort.


Uncanny valley

The uncanny valley is a term used in marketing to describe the point at which a product or advertisement becomes too realistic, yet still falls short of being completely authentic. This can create discomfort or even revulsion in consumers, leading to adverse reactions and decreased sales. As such, it is vital for marketers to carefully consider the design and presentation of their products in order to avoid triggering the uncanny valley effect.


A video chatbot is an automated tool that uses artificial intelligence to communicate with users in real-time through video chat. It can provide personalised assistance, answer questions, and offer recommendations, all while creating a more engaging and interactive experience for the user. Video chatbots are a powerful marketing tool as they allow businesses to connect with their customers in a more human-like way, increasing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.


Web-based training

Online training is a valuable resource for delivering educational content via the Internet. With the ability to learn at one's own pace and from any location with internet access, web-based training is a convenient and efficient method for individuals and organisations alike. Furthermore, it can be a cost-effective solution for companies by eliminating the need for physical classrooms and printed materials. From employee onboarding to professional development and certification programs, web-based training can fulfil a variety of needs.


xAPI (Experience API )

Utilising xAPI (Experience API), technology can provide unparalleled benefits for learning and development professionals. By tracking and analysing user data in real-time, deep insights into learner interaction with content can be gained. This allows for the identification of knowledge gaps and the optimisation of training programs for maximum impact. The implementation of xAPI can lead to improved employee performance, increased engagement, and ultimately, drive business results. Incorporating xAPI into your L&D strategy is essential to fully unlock its potential.

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