May 22

Mastering Video Script Writing: A Comprehensive Guide with useful tips

David Gillham

Hey there! Ready to create some amazing videos? We've got you covered with our step-by-step guide on how to write a killer video script, complete with 5 expert tips to take your videos to the next level. But before you dive into the writing process, we're going to share some deep, creative thinking exercises to help you lay a solid foundation. Trust us, these pre-writing steps are essential if you want your video to truly resonate with your audience. So, let's get started and create some videos that will leave your viewers wanting more!

Step 1. Identify your audience and goal

Are you ready to make an awesome video that resonates with your audience? Of course, you already have an idea of why and who you're making this video for. But hold on! Before you start writing a video script and filming, let's take a step back and narrow down your target audience and goals. Trust us, it will make a huge difference in the success of your video project. 

Knowing your target audience will help you choose the appropriate tone and voice of communication, understand what references and metaphors will be understood, and identify the problem you can tackle/address/solve in your video. And, narrowing down your goals will help you identify what CTA (call-to-action) is relevant for the video and what you want the viewers to do after they watch the video. Plus, it will help you identify the metrics with which to measure the success of the video. So, let's get started and make your video project a huge success!

Step 2. Let's Choose the Perfect Video Type for You!

Different video types require different video scripts. So, the next step is to pick the right video type for your goals and audience. Don't worry; we've got you covered! Here are some of the most popular video types:

Marketing Videos

A video marketing strategy can include many different types of videos: promo videos, landing page videos, product explainers, video case studies, video testimonials, video newsletters, and more. An effective video script for a marketing video needs to strike the right balance between showcasing the value of the product to the viewer and not being too pushy in its attempt to sell. It's like walking a tightrope, but we can help you do it with finesse!

Explainer Videos

An explainer video is perfect for demonstrating the value of your product or service to your target audience. An explainer video script needs to be short and catchy to keep your audience's attention without sounding sales-y. We know how to keep it snappy and engaging!

How-to Videos

How-to videos are essential for customer support teams. A well-scripted video will demonstrate a solution to a pain point concisely, without going into great detail. One of the most obvious examples of how-to videos are knowledge base videos, which are used to replace or add to long knowledge base articles. Some other examples are customer onboarding videos and product training videos, which are perfect for helping users get started with your product. We can help you make it simple and easy to follow!

Training Videos

Training videos follow completely different video script formats to marketing or how-to videos. The goal of a training video is not to sell, but to educate and equip learners with knowledge. Therefore, the script will look a lot different. Here's a security training video example created in Colossyan Creator. We can help you create an engaging and informative training video!

YouTube Videos

There is no one cookie-cutter YouTube video script template because YouTube videos are so diverse. Writing a script for a recipe video is a lot different from writing a video script for a documentary-style video with narration. However, regardless of the video's format, it's important to have a clear structure and message that will engage your audience. Your video script should also be tailored to your target audience, keeping in mind their interests, demographics, and pain points. Finally, when writing a YouTube video script, don't forget to keep your video's length in mind, as viewers' attention spans are generally shorter when watching online videos. Don't worry; we can help you create a YouTube video that will keep your audience engaged from start to finish!

Step 3. Let's get visual!

Awesome, you're on track with your goal and you've selected the perfect video type. Now, it's time to choose the best visuals to deliver your message. Here are some options to consider:

  • Animation
  • Talking head
  • Screen recordings
  • B-roll or stock footage

Why does this matter? Well, the visuals and narration in video content are closely linked. So, the type of visual you choose will determine how you write your video script. 

For example:

  • If you go for a talking head, the narration should be from a first-person perspective.
  • If you choose animation, your script should follow a story.

Screen recordings call for a more demonstrative tone or step-by-step instructions.

B-roll or stock footage can help you visualize a concept or metaphor. Let's get creative!

Step 4. Write a short brief

Alright, time to get creative! First things first, let's put together a quick 5-sentence brief summarizing the main points we want to convey. This will help us organize our thoughts and make sure our message flows smoothly. 

💡 Tip: Need help in this step? Let prompt to video feature of Colossyan help you with the “blank page problem”

Once we have that rough outline, it's time to dive into the fun part - writing the video script! Let's bring our ideas to life and captivate our audience with an engaging and persuasive message.

Step 5. Create your own video script template

Are you struggling with writing a video script and feeling overwhelmed by all the fancy templates out there? Don't worry, you're not alone! In fact, most people don't need those complicated templates unless they're professional scriptwriters or cinematographers. That's why we've got a simple and free idea for you to create your own video script template in just two seconds. 

All you need is a note-taking app or pen and paper to create a table with two columns - one for visual elements and one for audio elements. This way, you can easily map out the sequence of your video scenes and include all the necessary visuals and audio. 

💡Tip: Need help creating your first video template? Use one of the many templates available on Colossyan. 

And if you're using pre-designed video templates, just adjust the script to match the flow and visuals of the template. It's that simple! So go ahead and create your own video script template today.

Step 6. Write, re-write, and re-write again...

Let's talk about step 6! It's time to grab your new 'fancy' video script template and start writing. But don't worry if your first draft isn't perfect, because that's totally normal. In fact, we recommend you discard it and keep re-writing until you're happy with it. This applies to any form of written communication, not just video scripts.Nonetheless if need extra help use our AI Script Assistant that happily will help you with this.

It's all about fine-tuning your message until every word fits and sounds perfect. And don't forget to take a break and come back to it with a fresh mind. If you're adapting an existing text into a video script, we've got a great 💡 tip for you: use the Chunk and Shave technique to effectively transform a long text into a script. Let's get started!

Step 7, the fun part - Produce your video!

If you're working with a production company or handling the filming yourself, it's essential to have a solid script in place before you start rolling. Trust us, you don't want to be stuck with a subpar script once filming is done. 

But don't worry, if you're creating an animated video online or using a text-to-video tool like Colossyan, you've got plenty of flexibility to make changes on the fly. You can tweak the script as you go along and even go back and edit the video if you're not completely satisfied with the results. 

5 tips for writing better video scripts

Are you struggling to write compelling video scripts that keep your audience engaged? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these 5 tips to take your script from good to great!

💡 Tip #1: Use a conversational tone. Ditch the fancy lingo and write as if you're having a conversation with your viewers. This helps to ensure that your message is easily understood.

💡 Tip #2: Keep your scenes short and sweet. Use no more than 3-4 sentences per scene to keep your viewers' attention glued to your video.

💡 Tip #3: Read your script aloud. This may seem silly, but it helps you to see your script in a new light and adjust the flow of words and sentences.

💡 Tip #4: Vary the visuals in your script. Use a mixture of talking heads, B-roll, screen recordings, and text on screen to keep your viewers engaged.

💡Tip #5: Make the beginning memorable. Use classic literary and public speaking techniques to hook your viewers in right from the start.

By following these tips, you'll be able to write video scripts that captivate your audience and achieve your goals. So, what are you waiting for? Start writing those scripts and if you need help let the AI video script assistant of Colossyan give you a hand!

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