Aug 9

Creating Video Presentations Without Equipment: A Guide

Maggie Tully

PowerPoint has long been the standard presentation tool in the corporate toolbox, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most engaging or efficient way to give a presentation. 

Video is typically overlooked as a way to give presentations, because it has historically required teams to record footage, hire actors, and spend hours editing using specialized software. 

But now with improvements to generative AI, a video presentation maker like Colossyan is all you need to create an engaging and dynamic presentation. You can create higher quality video content in less time than a slideshow – and without cameras, microphones, or expert editors. 

In this blog, we’ll walk you through the advantages of video presentations, how to make one in five easy steps, and a few use cases for AI video presentation tools. 

Title page that reads, "How to Create Video Presentations without Equipment: A Guide"

Why opt for a video presentation over a PowerPoint? 

Let’s face it: PowerPoint presentations can be clunky. 

They heavily rely on the presenter to convey information verbally, which makes it challenging for those who missed the presentation to gather information from the slides alone. 

While you can attempt to solve this with a Zoom or Google Meet recording, video presentations allow you to skip the hassle of slides altogether and distribute information much more effectively. 

Here are a few of the advantages of using video presentations over PowerPoint slides: 

Better information retention

Studies show that the human brain is far better at processing and retaining visual information as opposed to text-only content. 

In fact, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, as opposed to 10% when reading it in text. 

Video presentations aren’t just more convenient – they also contribute to better learning outcomes. 

More easily shareable 

For teams with a large headcount, or for those working in a remote setting, it can be difficult to get everyone in the same place for a live presentation. 

Instead of dealing with the cumbersome process of recording yourself giving a presentation (and sometimes giving it multiple times when people miss it the first time), you can just send your team a link to your video presentation, and everyone will be on the same page. 

Faster content creation process 

While traditional presentation software tools are relatively easy to use, producing a high-quality output can be time consuming. 

Fortunately, when you use AI tools to create video presentations, you can automate a lot of tedious work. For instance, instead of manually writing a presentation script, tools like Colossyan offer an AI script assistant to speed up this process. 

Plus, a well-crafted video ensures a perfect presentation delivery every single time, without needing to rehearse over and over again. 

How to make a video presentation with AI (in 5 steps)

Instead of just turning your PowerPoint files into an MP4 file, AI video tools can help take your video presentations to the next level with features like AI avatars and text-to-speech narration.

Below, we’ve outlined the five steps needed to create content using a video presentation maker called Colossyan: 

1. Create your video draft 

First things first: you need to lay the foundation for your video presentation. There are a few ways you can get your video draft off the ground in Colossyan: 

Use a template 

Starting from scratch can be extremely time consuming. Templates are a great way to get your draft set up in less time while still ensuring your presentation has a strong visual appeal. 

Colossyan has dozens of templates available, and you can even sort them by use case to ensure it has all of the elements you’ll need for your presentation. 

Transform a document into a video draft 

Maybe you’re creating a presentation about a report your team just put together, or perhaps you already have a PowerPoint and you’re looking to bring it to life. 

With Colossyan’s document-to-video workflow, you can turn PDF, PPT, DOC, and TXT documents into a video draft in less than 60 seconds. 

Our tool will pull information from your document and add it to a fully customizable video draft, complete with AI avatars, text-to-speech narration, and images. That way, you can make a few edits and your presentation will be all ready to go. 

Start with a prompt 

Maybe you’re in the early stages of ideating on your presentation. In that case, a prompt-to-video workflow may be more appropriate for your needs. 

Instead of uploading a document, a prompt-to-video workflow allows you to enter an idea for your video. You can also specify your audience, tone, and other video details. 

Once you’ve selected a template, Colossyan will create a video draft based on that prompt in less than 60 seconds. 

Here’s how it works:

Colossyan's prompt to video workflow
Colossyan’s prompt-to-video workflow

2. Write your video script 

Writing a concise video script can be challenging, but it’s an important step. 

Start by thinking about what you’d say during each slide of a traditional PowerPoint presentation, and turn that information into a script for each of your video scenes. 

If you plan on using AI avatars, you can also integrate conversations between characters into your script. Dialogue is incredibly useful for scenario-based storytelling, and isn’t something that traditional presentation formats allow for. 

And in case you want a little more assistance with scripting, Colossyan offers an AI script assistant that can help brainstorm ideas, edit your tone of voice, or even correct your grammar. 

3. Select a voice for your text-to-speech narration 

When it comes to AI-generated video presentations, you have two options when it comes to your narration: AI avatar presenters – which serve as digital humans whose lip movements are synchronized with your script – and simple text-to-speech narration with no visual component.

Many teams opt for AI avatars to make their content more engaging and visual. Colossyan offers 150+ different stock avatars to choose from, allowing you to select an AI actor that best represents your audience’s demographics or profession. 

Not only can you change the appearance of your video presenter, but you can also fully customize their voice, accent, and language. 

In fact, it’s never been easier to give presentations to audiences who don’t speak your language. Colossyan videos can be automatically translated into over 70 languages in just a few clicks.

If you find yourself frequently making AI video presentations, you may want to consider making an AI avatar of yourself. Custom avatars allow you to create video content – using your own likeness – at scale in far less time. 

Pro tip: Clone your voice to create video presentations that sound just like you. Plus, cloned voices can be translated into 30+ languages. 

4. Customize your visual elements 

Now that the basics of your video presentation are in order, it’s time to take your visual components to the next level. 

Aside from AI avatars, there are a couple of other components that go into an AI video presentation: 

Brand colors and logos 

Brand alignment is one of the most important considerations for those making corporate presentation videos. 

To help you keep a consistent brand image across your content, Colossyan offers a brand kit feature, allowing you to upload fonts, logos, and colors that can easily be used in every video you create. 

On-screen text 

PowerPoints heavily rely on on-screen text to help readers understand the content being explained. 

To add text in Colossyan, click on 'Text' and choose between Title, Subtitle, or Body Text. You can also add subtitles to make your content more accessible and easier to understand.  

Stock images

Stock images are one of the easiest ways to help audiences visualize information. Colossyan has a searchable library of stock images ready for use. 

Additionally, if you can’t find the right stock image, you can use the AI image generator to create exactly what you’re looking for. 

Colossyan's AI image generator
Colossyan’s AI image generator

5. Generate your video presentation

Once your script, visuals, and AI avatars have been edited and customized to your liking, your video presentation is nearly ready. 

The final step is to generate your video, during which process your avatar’s lip movements will be synched with your script for a humanlike video output. 

Once generation is complete, your video presentation is ready to be shared! 

Exploring the main use cases for AI video presentations 

Video presentations are a great way to create and distribute content more efficiently, but it’s a better fit for some use cases than others. 

Here are some of the top ways you can use AI video presentations (with examples): 

Training content 

Creating and deploying training content can be an extremely time consuming process, which is why AI video presentations can be a great way to both speed up and scale this process. 

Plus, training materials are notoriously difficult to keep updated. AI video enables you to simply update your material, click generate, and send the final presentation video to your team. No need to schedule a meeting with your team every time your training content evolves. 

Check out this sales training video created with Colossyan: 

Employee onboarding 

Expanding your team can be costly, as a recent study showed the average cost of onboarding a new hire is $4,700. 

This is not only because it takes awhile for a new hire to get up to speed, but also because onboarding a new employee requires other employees to devote valuable time to helping them onboard – taking away from their productivity in other areas. 

AI video helps solve this by automating some of your onboarding processes, helping your new employees get brought up to speed with fewer live meetings. 

Not to mention, once you’ve created onboarding video presentations, the same videos can be reused for all new hires, and they can refer back to them if they have questions later on. 

Related: How to Make a Great Employee Onboarding Video

Product demos

Live demos are a core component of many sales workflows. The trouble is they’re difficult to scale without additional manpower. 

That said, product demo videos, including explainer videos that provide a broad overview of a product, are a great way to introduce potential customers to your product or service before things progress to a meeting with a sales representative. 

Studies show that this works too – 96% of consumers have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product, and 79% of people say they’ve been convinced to purchase a B2B app or software because of a video. 

Start creating video presentations today

Creating video presentations has never been easier. You no longer need camera equipment, microphones, or fancy editing software. 

Instead, you can use AI to create high-quality video content that’s more engaging than traditional PowerPoint presentations. 

And when video presentations are faster to create, easier to edit, and don’t require any on-the-spot public speaking, what’s not to love? 

Come see the power of video presentations for yourself and try Colossyan for free today. Or, to learn more about our enterprise solutions, schedule a time with our team. 

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