Apr 7

Corporate Communications through Videos

Team Colossyan

Communicating with employees, partners, customers and the public is key to successfully running a business. In this article, we will go over the different types of business communication. We also discuss how videos can contribute to effective and impactful communication with internal and external stakeholders.

What is corporate communication?

Corporate communications is the umbrella term for all forms of official interaction a company has with its stakeholders. These stakeholders can be internal (employees, managers, executives, ...) or external (existing and potential customers, investors, media, lobby groups, ...). For this reason, we generally divide corporate communication into internal and external communication.

Corporate communication is communicated in three ways:

Written communication: website texts, print texts, advertising texts, reports, emails, ...
Visual communication: images, diagrams, branding, corporate communications video...
Audiovisual communication: video-based content, events, meetings, ...

or often a combination of all three.


The importance of effective business communication

Business is about collaborating, persuading, negotiating, teaching and organizing - all of which require communication. Internal communications solidify your company culture and coordinate your entire workforce, while external communications sell your products and services and shape your brand.

In short, corporate communications helps a company translate its many visions and values into a coherent message to its target audiences.

Effective corporate communications can do several things for your company:

It ensures that all members of your company know what is going on, what needs to be done, and how to handle certain tasks and situations. It helps formulate an appropriate and consistent message to internal and external stakeholders in times of crisis (crisis communication).

Two-way communication (top-down/bottom-up) creates transparency and increases productivity and employee satisfaction. When they are informed about company matters and have the opportunity to voice their opinions, it empowers employees. Engaged employees are 18% more likely to work together as a team.

Brand awareness, marketing campaigns and public relations can help you grow your audience and customer base.

It helps you attract new talent by engaging employees and showcasing your company culture. Social media has become the tool of choice for many companies when it comes to casting a fishing line into the pool of highly qualified job seekers.

Corporate communications challenges

If handled incorrectly, corporate communications can be detrimental. For example,

Information overload can cause your audiences to ignore or unsubscribe from your communication channels and miss important information.

Inconsistent use of your communication channels and cluttered messaging can cause information to be lost.

Conflicting information can damage your organization's authority or credibility.

It's safe to say that corporate communications can make the difference between success and failure. That's why the corporate communications department plays a crucial role in a company. It sends out the right and relevant messages, formulated in the best possible way, through appropriate channels that reach the desired target audience and trigger the desired action.

2 Types of corporate communication

We distinguish between two types of corporate communication: internal communication and external communication. Both differ greatly in content, tone, approach and tools. Therefore, they are usually handled by different departments within a company. Let us break them down for you:

Internal communication

Internal communication takes place within the walls of the company, between management, employees, executives, etc. Internal communication has no commercial intentions. Rather, it is about "selling" something completely different: the corporate culture and the fact that all employees are moving in the same direction. Effective internal communication is crucial and ultimately influences products, services and the external image. 82% of CEOs and CHROs believe that corporate culture is a potential competitive advantage.

Internal communication is divided into different types that solve a specific task within the organization: Change Communication, Crisis Communication, Top-down/Bottom-up Communication, Peer Communication, and Culture Communication.

Use cases: The corporate mission statement, employee magazines, the corporate intranet, corporate training, meetings, town halls, shareholder communications, …

External communication

External communication is your brand, your corporate image that you convey to the outside world. External communication can be official, in the form of press releases or annual reports. But it can also be more casual, in the form of posts on social media. Or it can be commercial, in the form of advertisements or events.

External communication isn't always about putting on a good face and selling your product and image. When something goes wrong, crisis communication is critical. History has proven time and again that the way a company handles a crisis can determine its image (and thus its success as a company) for a long time, if not forever.

The content, tone and approach of your external communications will depend, by and large, on your industry, branding and style choices. A company like Mailchimp can get away with a lot of silliness and humor in its external communications without it being noticeable. At a company like Bank of America, you wouldn't be so tolerant.


How video can improve your corporate communications

Video is the most effective format for communicating with internal and external audiences. In fact, 87% of Millennials believe video has a significant and positive impact on business performance, and 60% of Millennials would rather watch a video than read a company newsletter.

Adding corporate communications video, internal communications videos  will help to scale knowledge, attract people and find new hires, increase employee engagement, onboard teams and fill the communication gap. Recorded video messages for internal purposes can save time but reducing face-to-face meetings - this way scaling team collaboration.

The following use cases illustrate with internal communications video examples how you can leverage video to drive corporate communications in your organization:

Internal Communications

Connect with colleagues and employees via video conferencing.

Video conferencing became a business standard during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Compared to face-to-face meetings, they improve communication and collaboration, increase productivity, and save time and money. Thanks to these benefits, video conferencing won't disappear with the end of the pandemic. So it's still important to invest in a platform that enables true remote collaboration.

Bring your workforce together through townhall meetings

Townhalls are one of the most effective formats for fostering company culture and creating a sense of community. It's a powerful way to share important information, align all employees with company goals, and enable interaction between leaders and employees.

Onboarding and training your employees with videos (safety, tasks, company presentation).

Onboarding and training videos are a cost-effective way to familiarize employees with the company, its (new) work processes and safety procedures. They show the company's commitment to the employee's success and safety.

Policy updates and change management through video

The video format is great for simplifying complex issues and helping employees understand and accept change. These videos can be delivered in real-time or on-demand, and audience engagement can be tracked with analytics.

Replace emails with video messages

Videos are easier to digest and more engaging than written text. Why not replace company-wide emails with short video messages whose performance can be tracked?

External communication

Connecting with customers through video conferencing

Let's take the case of salespeople. How many customers could they visit in a single day before the use of video conferencing became widespread? Video conferencing with customers saves a lot of time and money, increases productivity and ensures full attention of the customer in a dedicated virtual environment.

Build your community and brand with virtual events

Organizing industry events used to be a huge undertaking. With today's virtual event platforms, you can organize events that target a global audience for a fraction of the cost and resources. Plus, digital tools make virtual and live events much more efficient at gathering leads and data. By using live video andvideo streams you will reach independence of time and space of virtual events (and the lower price) dramatically lowers the inhibition of team members to participate.

Educate existing and potential customers with webinars.

Webinars are very popular right now, and for good reason. Webinars have a wide reach and are great for building authority and trust. They build a connection between your audience and your brand and are a great source of quality leads.

Stay top of mind and convert users with on-demand video content.

Videos have become an extremely popular format for product presentations, company overviews, how-to guides, branding campaigns, etc. Today, brands can maintain 100% control over their video-based communications by producing, managing, and hosting video content in-house.

Spice up your email marketing with video messages 

Personalized video messages can increase your recipients' engagement by 300%. If the open rates of your email marketing campaigns don't let you sleep at night or if you're looking for an original way to engage existing customers, video messages are a great option for you. Video is the future of work, you can't have too many online videos. To share ideas the best method is video, so are you ready to share?

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