Mar 18

From Blog to Vlog: Leveraging Text to Video AI for Content Repurposing

David Gillham

You’ve spent several months, maybe even years, investing in blog post content to boost your SEO and drive more traffic to your website. But the marketplace of content consumption is changing. More and more, consumers are turning to video content—from YouTube videos to TikTok clips—as a reference point for making purchase decisions.

It only makes sense, then, that you’d want to invest in video content. But does that mean you have to flush all of your hard work on your blog down the drain?

The short answer? No.

In this article, we’ll discuss a powerful technology known as text to video AI. Specifically, we’ll look at how you can use this incredible tool to convert informative blog articles into engaging videos without ever touching a camera.

How text to video AI works 

Let’s start with a little background. What is text to video AI, and how does it work?

Text to video AI is technology, generally included in a software package, that allows you to input text and receive a fully-formed video.

For example, you’d start by giving your text to video AI platform a script for the video and a few instructions (known as prompts) about what you want the video to look like, what characters should be in it, and what you want in the background of the shot.

The AI platform then processes the info you give it and produces a video that matches its interpretation of your instructions.

From there, you’d typically do some editing or provide additional prompts to make the final product look like what you had envisioned.

In Colossyan, our own text to video AI platform, there are two workflows for creating AI videos, depending on whether you want to:

1. Start with a draft or template and then insert your text into each scene

2. Use our AI prompt-to-video feature, where you specify the topic and other attributes and have Colossyan generate a video from scratch

Starting with a Colossyan template

Step 1. Choose your template

Colossyan offers a variety of ready-to-go templates for workplace learning videos and more.

To see all templates, go into the the Templates section in the app.


All you have to do is choose which one best fits your intended purpose.

Step 2. Edit your scenes and script

We’ve chosen the “Stress Management and Resilience Building” template.

This template comes pre-loaded with a conversation between the two AI avatars, which you can see on the left-hand side of the above image.

However, you can also edit the script as required.



Step 3. Customize to your taste

From here, you can make visual changes to the AI video, including:

  • Swapping out the avatar or selecting different angles or scenes
  • Adjusting the background or other media
  • Adding more scenes and changing transitions 

Step 4. Generate your video

Once you’re happy with the changes you’ve made, all you need to do is hit “Generate,” and Colossyan will produce the full video for you.

You can also hit Preview to get a quick look at the video before generating it, which allows you to make any necessary edits before rendering the final product.

You can also preview a generated version of this template in Templates.

Using Colossyan’s AI prompt to video feature 

If you have an idea for an AI video but don’t have the script or scenes mapped out, then Colossyan’s AI prompt to video feature is your perfect partner.

Here’s how it works:

1. Open the Colossyan Creator, hit “Create draft,” and select “Prompt to video.”

2. Enter your topic idea in the conversational AI chat window, along with any additional prompts you’d like to include about the video’s look, feel, and style.

3. Finally, click “Create a draft,” wait for the video to render, and check out the result.

Identifying the right content to repurpose 

Using AI to convert text to video is a lot easier than it might appear, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should create videos based on every single article on your blog. Instead, you’ll want to first identify which content is a good fit for repurposing.

Here are a few important factors to consider:

  • Could you better portray the information via video than written text?
  • Would the final product align with your current business goals (such as converting potential customers)?
  • Is there a demand for video from the target audience for this content?
  • Would the video be appropriate for distribution through channels like email and social media?
  • Is there evidence that the existing blog post is performing well?
  • Would a section (or sections) of the existing article benefit from a video explanation?

If, for a given blog post, the answer to one or more of the above questions is yes, then you’ve likely identified a good candidate for conversion to an AI-generated video.

Best practices for text to video AI generation 

Getting ready to use an AI video generator to create videos from blog posts?

Before diving in, take note of these four best practices to help you get it right the first time:

1. Clarify your intended use case

It’s always a good idea to first establish exactly what you want the end product to look like and how you plan on using the video.

For example, are you creating an animated explainer video for your homepage to help potential customers understand your product? Or do you want an AI avatar to present short thought leadership ideas to publish on TikTok and Instagram Reels?

These two use cases will likely require different specialized software and will inform the prompts you give your AI engine.

2. Work on your prompts

Prompts are the instructions you give your AI system to inform video creation.

For example, a text to video AI prompt might look like this:

“Create a short video advertisement for a new line of eco-friendly household cleaning products. Highlight the benefits of using these products, such as their natural ingredients, effectiveness in cleaning, and positive impact on the environment.”

The more accurate and specific your prompt is, the closer your AI system’s first output will be to what you intend.

Pay attention to how your AI video generator responds to different prompts and the level of detail you need to provide. A good AI generator will learn to meet your needs over time, but this will also be a learning curve for you.

3. Provide necessary industry-specific training

In order to create high-quality videos that not only look great but also represent your brand’s point of view and industry expertise, you may need to provide some training up front so the AI system can understand more about the domain you work in.

For instance, if your company is a biotech engineering company, it is likely that the information you’d like to convey to your customers or investors with AI-generated videos is highly technical and may not be information that your AI tool automatically has access to.

Gather as many internal resources as possible and ask your AI engine to digest these in order to absorb your expertise.

4. Consider breaking down content into shorter clips

A great way to get some extra mileage out of the videos you create using AI tools is to break longer videos into shorter, more easily shareable clips.

For example, you might first convert an existing blog post into a 20-minute video for your YouTube channel. Then, you could create a series of 90-second clips with key insights to share on social media that would capture attention and direct your audience to the full-length video.

Don't worry if your video editing skills leave a little to be desired. There are some great AI video editors out there (like CapCut and Opus Clip) that can help you create clips without any technical editing expertise. All you need to do is complete a few plain English prompts.

How to use repurposed text to video content 

Using a text to video AI platform to create content is just the first step. Next, you have to get it out there. 

Here are four ways you can use repurposed blog posts:

1. Embed the video on your blog

An easy win is to embed the video you’ve created on the original blog page.

This gives readers an additional content format to digest. They might land on the blog from a Google search (if you’ve done a good job of optimizing your article for search) but be pleasantly surprised with the option to digest the information faster via video.

2. Promote clips on social media 

All good content marketing strategies include a plan for distribution, and video content should be no exception.

One great way to increase the reach of the content you’ve converted to video is to break it up into smaller clips and share them on social media.

Say, for example, you’ve converted a long-form blog post into a series of seven-minute videos. These might be too long to share directly on social media platforms like LinkedIn, but a 30-second teaser containing a key takeaway from the video can be an invaluable way to drive traffic to the full-length version.

3. Support your sales team with video collateral 

Well-designed video content can also be an effective asset for sales teams to use to win over customers.

Let’s say you used a bottom-of-funnel blog post that compared your product to competitors’ products as the basis for an AI video. You now have a five-minute clip that features an AI avatar explaining how your product differs from a common competitor, which your sales team can use to handle objections like “But we’re already working with X.”

4. Add clips to your email campaigns

Finally, AI video content is an innovative way to spice up your marketing campaigns and stand out in a sea of incoming emails.

Everyone sends plain text emails. You can ramp up your campaigns, capture attention, and even put a personalized touch on sales emails with AI videos.

Measuring repurposed content’s success 

How you go about measuring the success of the video content you’ve repurposed does depend on your definition of “success”—that is, what your goals were when repurposing the blog content.

For instance, if your goal was primarily to support your sales team in closing deals, then you might measure the content’s success by tracking conversion rates.

On the other hand, if your intention was to generate a series of short clips to spark engagement on social media and drive traffic back to your website, then you might look at engagement metrics such as likes, comments, click-through rates, and traffic growth from social media platforms.

That said, here are some of the most common metrics to track video content’s success:

  • Engagement metrics (views, watch time, likes, comments, and shares)
  • Audience retention (how long viewers stay on your video)
  • Click-through rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Traffic by source
  • SEO performance metrics (such as search traffic and positions)
  • Return on investment 

Colossyan: The perfect text to video AI partner 

Text to video AI can be a powerful way to transform your blog content into a more visual medium, capture traffic from sources like email and social media, and get more mileage out of the content you’re already creating. To achieve this at scale, you need a powerful AI partner.

Enter Colossyan.

Colossyan's text to video AI technology offers a seamless way for content creators to transform written blogs into professional-looking videos. You can also enhance content accessibility and audience engagement with diverse avatars that speak multiple languages—all without the need for extensive video production resources.

Get started with Colossyan for free today.


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